Order Description
This paper is about organizational change. The case study will apply the readings to a real life practice situation experienced by the student. In this case the study is about a NYC homeless shelter, located in a residential neighborhood, that is expanding from 70 beds to 100 beds. Clients served are mentally ill, substance abusing females. The expansion was mandated by the NYC Department of Homeless Services. The case study will include a description and analysis of the case as it happened, explaining the who, what, when, why, where and how it played out. The paper will include course readings, such as the book “Getting to Yes” approach or the change model of John Kotter, and the student will analyze and offer alternative ways of resolving the case. The expansion was met with resistance by the neighborhood and community board, who were concerned about the impact it would have on the neighborhood. Resistance was also met by the staff who would have 30 more clients to deal with. Director needed to work with all involved and get them to buy into the expansion. Case can include those involving human resources, supervision, board or community relations, coalition building, etc. Reference should also be made in the paper to either the Furman/Gibelman or Edwards/Yankey book, or similar social work text. The length of the paper is 15 pages, double-spaced, including references, figures, tables and notes. APA style 6th edition is required.
References that can be used:
Craig, N. and Snook, S. (2014). From purpose to impact. Harvard Business Review 92, 105-111 (May).
Heifetz, R.A. and Linsky, M. (2002). A survival guide for leaders. Harvard Business Review, 80, 6 (June): 65-74.
Hesselbein, F. (1996). Managing in a world that is round. Leader to Leader Journal 2 (Fall). Retrieved from https://www.leadertoleader.org/knowledgecenter/journal.aspx?articleID=136.
Kim, W.C. and Mauborgne, R. (2004). Blue ocean strategy. Harvard Business Review 82, 76-84 (October).
Kim, W.C. and Mauborgne, R. (2014). Blue ocean leadership. Harvard Business Review 92, 60-72 (May).
Kotter, J.P. (1995). Leading change: Why transformation efforts fail. Harvard Business Review, 73, 59-67 (March-April).
Select the relevant chapters in:
Furman, R. and Gibelman, M. (2013). Navigating human service organizations: Essential information for thriving and surviving in agencies. Third edition. Chicago, IL: Lyceum. ISBN 978-1-935871-24-8
Edwards, R.L. and Yankey, J.A. (2006). Effectively Managing Nonprofit Organizations. Washington, DC: NASW Press. ISBN-10: 087101369X. $43.19.
Supplemental Reading
Barnard, C. (1938). The functions of the executive. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Brest, P. (2010). The power of theories of change. Stanford Social Innovation Review 8, 2 (Spring): 46-51.
Christensen, C.M. (2010). How will you measure your life. Harvard Business Review, 88, 7/8 (July/August): 46-51.
Collins, J. (2005). Good to great and the social sectors. Boulder, CO: Jim Collins.
Hamel, G. (2006). The why, what, and how of management innovation. Harvard Business Review,84 (February): 72-84.
Hamel, G. (2009). Moon shots for management. Harvard Business Review, 87 (February): 91-98.
Hammer, M. (1990). Reengineering work: Don’t automate, obliterate. Harvard Business Review, 68, 62-70 (July-August).
Hammer, M. (2001). The agenda. New York: Three Rivers Press.
Huy, Q. (2001). In praise of middle managers. Harvard Business Review, 79, 73-79 (September).
Ibarra, H., and Hansen, M.T. (2011). Are you a collaborative leader. Harvard Business Review 89, 7/8 (July-August): 68-74.
Ibarra, H., and Hunter, M. (2007). How Leaders Create and Use Networks. Harvard Business Review 85, 1 (January): 40-47.
Kim, W.C. and Mauborgne, R. (2005). Blue ocean strategy. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
Kotter, J.P. (2008). A sense of urgency. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
Kotter, J.P. (2012). Leading change. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
Kotter, J.P. (2014). Accelerate: Building Strategic Agility for a Faster-Moving World. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.


Order Description
This paper is about organizational change. The case study will apply the readings to a real life practice situation experienced by the student. In this case the study is about a NYC homeless shelter, located in a residential neighborhood, that is expanding from 70 beds to 100 beds. Clients served are mentally ill, substance abusing females. The expansion was mandated by the NYC Department of Homeless Services. The case study will include a description and analysis of the case as it happened, explaining the who, what, when, why, where and how it played out. The paper will include course readings, such as the book “Getting to Yes” approach or the change model of John Kotter, and the student will analyze and offer alternative ways of resolving the case. The expansion was met with resistance by the neighborhood and community board, who were concerned about the impact it would have on the neighborhood. Resistance was also met by the staff who would have 30 more clients to deal with. Director needed to work with all involved and get them to buy into the expansion. Case can include those involving human resources, supervision, board or community relations, coalition building, etc. Reference should also be made in the paper to either the Furman/Gibelman or Edwards/Yankey book, or similar social work text. The length of the paper is 15 pages, double-spaced, including references, figures, tables and notes. APA style 6th edition is required.
References that can be used:
Craig, N. and Snook, S. (2014). From purpose to impact. Harvard Business Review 92, 105-111 (May).
Heifetz, R.A. and Linsky, M. (2002). A survival guide for leaders. Harvard Business Review, 80, 6 (June): 65-74.
Hesselbein, F. (1996). Managing in a world that is round. Leader to Leader Journal 2 (Fall). Retrieved from https://www.leadertoleader.org/knowledgecenter/journal.aspx?articleID=136.
Kim, W.C. and Mauborgne, R. (2004). Blue ocean strategy. Harvard Business Review 82, 76-84 (October).
Kim, W.C. and Mauborgne, R. (2014). Blue ocean leadership. Harvard Business Review 92, 60-72 (May).
Kotter, J.P. (1995). Leading change: Why transformation efforts fail. Harvard Business Review, 73, 59-67 (March-April).
Select the relevant chapters in:
Furman, R. and Gibelman, M. (2013). Navigating human service organizations: Essential information for thriving and surviving in agencies. Third edition. Chicago, IL: Lyceum. ISBN 978-1-935871-24-8
Edwards, R.L. and Yankey, J.A. (2006). Effectively Managing Nonprofit Organizations. Washington, DC: NASW Press. ISBN-10: 087101369X. $43.19.
Supplemental Reading
Barnard, C. (1938). The functions of the executive. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Brest, P. (2010). The power of theories of change. Stanford Social Innovation Review 8, 2 (Spring): 46-51.
Christensen, C.M. (2010). How will you measure your life. Harvard Business Review, 88, 7/8 (July/August): 46-51.
Collins, J. (2005). Good to great and the social sectors. Boulder, CO: Jim Collins.
Hamel, G. (2006). The why, what, and how of management innovation. Harvard Business Review,84 (February): 72-84.
Hamel, G. (2009). Moon shots for management. Harvard Business Review, 87 (February): 91-98.
Hammer, M. (1990). Reengineering work: Don’t automate, obliterate. Harvard Business Review, 68, 62-70 (July-August).
Hammer, M. (2001). The agenda. New York: Three Rivers Press.
Huy, Q. (2001). In praise of middle managers. Harvard Business Review, 79, 73-79 (September).
Ibarra, H., and Hansen, M.T. (2011). Are you a collaborative leader. Harvard Business Review 89, 7/8 (July-August): 68-74.
Ibarra, H., and Hunter, M. (2007). How Leaders Create and Use Networks. Harvard Business Review 85, 1 (January): 40-47.
Kim, W.C. and Mauborgne, R. (2005). Blue ocean strategy. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
Kotter, J.P. (2008). A sense of urgency. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
Kotter, J.P. (2012). Leading change. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
Kotter, J.P. (2014). Accelerate: Building Strategic Agility for a Faster-Moving World. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.